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K12 Education

Coloma Community Schools

2012 Bond Project
Coloma, MI
our role
Construction Manager

On May 8, 2012, Coloma Community Schools successfully passed two bond proposals. O-A-K provided pre-bond management to help facilitate a successful campaign. This also included a complete Facilities Assessment to prioritize building needs and communicate with the voters.

Proposal 1 funded an 8-classroom addition and renovations at Coloma Elementary, an addition that connected the corridor between Middle North & South, renovations at Junior High, addition of Band/Choir Rooms and Science Room renovations at the High School, and football stadium construction next to the High School site. This proposal also funded technology and the purchase of 3 new buses. Total for Proposal 1 was $13.9 million (1.95 mills).

Proposal 2 funded Auditorium renovations and an office addition at the High School, so that the existing office could be used for dressing rooms and a scene shop. Total for Proposal 2 was $5.5 million (.8 mills).

Coloma High 23

As I think back to the planning process, I feel it is important to point out that O-A-K’s estimation team did an outstanding job of assisting us in the scope of work we could do with the dollars available. Their estimates were ‘spot on’ as I cannot remember one bid in all four phases that came in higher than the estimate.

Mr. David Ehlers
High School Principal