all k12 education projects
K12 Education

Kenowa Hills Public Schools

2016 Bond Program
Grand Rapids, MI
All District Facilities
our role
Construction Manager

O‑A‑K has a long history of success working with Kenowa Hills Public Schools. We have worked with the district continually since 1995, overseeing more than $90 million worth of projects, over the course of four bond programs.

This $55 million bond project, which passed in 2016, funded improvements to six facilities in a four-year timeline. The overall project scope included building renovations, along with safety and security upgrades, technology enhancements, athletic facility improvements, building updates and energy efficiencies.

Project features included:

  • A new gymnasium addition to Alpine Elementary
  • Secure entries at Alpine Elementary, Kenowa Hills High School, Early Childhood Center, Central Elementary, and Kenowa Hills Middle School
  • Parking lot improvements and reconfigurations at Central Elementary, Kenowa Hills Middle School, Zinser Elementary, and Kenowa Hills High School
  • A new transportation center to house districts buses
Photo Jul 20 9 08 05 AM