all aviation projects

City of St. Petersburg

Albert Whitted Airport Runway 7-25 & South Connector Rehab
St. Petersburg, FL
5,000 lf Runway
our role
General Contractor

Pavement rehabilitation required employing connector renovation methods from milling, pavement overlay to full depth reconstruction in accordance with the degree of pavement degradation along specific locations as shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer. Additionally, geometry upgrades to the existing connecting south taxiways stubs and installation of new runway lights, illuminated signs and Precision Approach Path Indicators (PAPI’s) are also included in the scope of work. Selective pavement and electrical demolition, asphalt pavement,airfield lighting, grading, storm drainage, pavement markings, tie-downs, top-soiling and sodding.

Aviation St Pete Albert Whitted RW 7 25 Completed 7 25