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K12 Education

Van Buren ISD

Community-Based Transition Center
Paw Paw, MI
14,365 sf

The new Community-Based Transition Center completed for the Van Buren Intermediate School District houses young adult, instructional based and work experience programs for students with special needs.

The facility includes a classroom, media center, conference rooms and a commercial and residential instructional kitchen and cafeteria. The 3,575 square foot single story building is composed of a steel framed skeleton with glu-lam beams.

Proper site orientation of the building, geothermal heating and cooling and abundant natural light create a cost efficient and sustainable learning building for the district.

Overhead doors for connectivity of spaces plus mobile furniture and technology give students the opportunity to learn in a dynamic and interactive format to help engage and promote lifelong learning.

This project received a 2010 ABC Award of Excellence in the Educational Category.

EIC Awards Logo White
VBISD Community Based Transition Center 4

The next project that VBISD gets involved in, your company will be the first place I call.

Jeff Mills