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Bucher Hydraulics

Newaygo Plant Expansion
Newaygo, MI
53,000 sf addition

This Design/Build project for the global hydraulic drive and control technology provider includes a 53,000 square foot building addition to the existing 60,000 square foot plant with similar footprint. One major area of focus during design was the inclusion of 8” concrete slabs with reinforcing and epoxy. Equipment areas were isolated from the aisle way and the number of control joints was minimized.

Natural daylighting and increased levels of lighting lumens at the work surfaces without direct sunlight on the temperature sensitive machinery was a requirement of the Owner. This was achieved by the installation of story and a half high windows in the exterior walls with borrowed lite glazing at all interior walls of perimeter rooms. High efficiency LED high bay lights were installed at the ceilings, and an epoxy coating with a high light reflective rating was installed on the plant floors.

The grinding room is separated from the main plant and employs a dedicated HVAC system to maintain a conditioned environment with +/- 5 degrees temperature and +/- 10 percent relative humidity tolerances. The main plant utilizes 8” reinforced concrete floors and is constructed to comply with the Owner’s strict floor flatness tolerances.The epoxy coating prevents cutting oils from penetrating the floor slab and provides increase slip resistance for foot traffic, while providing the desired increase light reflectance.

The site is designed with an under-grade storm water retention system to eliminate the need for an open site pond and allow for future building expansions while eliminating a possible danger for the children of a neighboring multi-family residential development who frequently visit the semi-wooded site.

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