all k12 education projects
K12 Education

Rockford Public Schools

additions and renovations to the entire athletic complex
Rockford, MI
entire athletic complex
our role
Construction Manager

This multi-phase stadium renovation project was made possible by a $185 million bond that Rockford School District voters passed in May of 2019. The renovated complex accommodates boys' and girls' athletics, the marching band, and fundraising groups.

Project Scope

  • Additions to the home side press box, including an elevator lift
  • New Mondo Track surfacing
  • New 18’x33’ scoreboard (largest high school scoreboard in Michigan)
  • New multi-purpose team rooms
  • New double sided press box that overlooks the football and soccer field
  • New turf made with ground up milk cartons
  • New canopy entry which includes ticket booths, concessions, and restrooms
GMB Rockford Carlson Munger 007