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Moorings Presbyterian Church

New Sanctuary & Fellowship Hall
Naples, FL
46,910 sf

The third and final phase of expansion, the Moorings Sanctuary,is a 2008 BIA Summit Award winner and has a state-of-the-art sound system, acoustical curtaining, sanctuary seating for 800 and new wood pews with hand carved feature on ends that match the choir chairs. The existing sanctuary was demolished and replaced with the new sanctuary and parlor with very little disruption to the daily activities at the church. Specialty items include Italian marble and Egyptian limestone flooring, 35 foot high oak and walnut wainscoting, 14-foot oak and walnut inlaid cross in the center of the pulpit area, a 600 square foot custom wooden structure to house the pipe organ and custom stained glass windows. Remodeling of the existing Wesley Chapel was include din this project.

The Fellowship Hall, a two-story, 25,000 square foot building with administration center was constructed after the demolition of the existing Moss Hall. It contains a fully equipped commercial kitchen and hall on the first floor with teaching classrooms, pastor’s office, counseling rooms, general administrative offices on the second floor. Covered walkways and new parking pavement were installed as part of this project,

Faith Moorings Presbyterian Exterior1