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Lee County Port Authority

Southwest Florida International Airport Runway 6-24 Rehab
Fort Myers, FL
12,000 lf

This three phase project was the recipient of a 2007 BIA Summit Award for Best Public Works project, a 2007 FL Dept. of Transportation Outstanding Airport Project award and a 2007 FAA Airport Safety Mark of Distinction Award. This project is the first time in the US that a taxiway/runway conversion has been accomplished at a single runway, medium hub airport. Phase1 was comprised of converting Taxiway A to a temporary runway and widening, lighting, signage and drainage improvements. A new ILS system was installed for the temporary runway. Phase 2 was the rehabilitation of the existing Runway 6-24 including complete milling, repaving and new center line lighting. Phase 3 converted Taxiway A back to a taxiway with revised lighting and signage. The runway was completed 45 days ahead of schedule and the taxiway completed 60 days ahead of schedule.

Aviation RSW Runway6 24 Aerial2 b